Kerala PSC Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

Title : Food Safety Officer - Food Safety
Question Code : A


Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Food Safety Officer - Food Safety' And exam conducted in the year 2020. And Question paper code was '029/2020'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.

page: 8 out of 16
Excerpt of Question Code: 029/2020










Under S. 439 Cr.P.C., which court has the power to release any person on bail and
by a subsequent order cause him to be rearrested ?

A) High Court

B) Sessions Court

C) Both High Court and Sessions Court

D) Magistrate Court and Sessions Court

The High Court may confer on any magistrate invested with the powers of a magistrate
of the second class power to try summarily any offence which is punishable with
imprisonment for a term not exceeding

A) 6 months B) 3 months ©) 1 year D) 7 years

Under 5. 374 Cr.P.C. who can file appeal to the Supreme Court ?

A) Any person convicted on a trial held by a High Court in its extraordinary original
criminal jurisdiction

B) The prosecution which could not succeed in the trial in High Court

C) Both A) and 8)

D) None of the above

Any person who manufactures for sale or distribute any article of substandard food
for consumption is liable to the extend of

A) 2.5 lakhs rupees and 6 months imprisonment

B) 2.5 lakhs rupees only

C) 5 lakhs of rupees and 6 months imprisonment

D) 5 lakhs rupees

The Food Safety Appellate Tribunal shall consists of
A) 5 members B) 3 members
C) 1 member D) Any of the above

The defences which may be allowed in prosecution under the Food Safety and
Standards Act is under

A) 5.78 8( 9 ©) 1 ഉ) 8.60

Where ina case the sample container received by the Food Analyst is found to be
in broken condition, he shall

A) Inform the designated officer within seven days

B) Inform the designated officer within reasonable period of time

C) Inform the commissioner within seven days

D) Inform the commissioner within reasonable period of time

The secondary evidence is defined under which provision of Indian Evidence Act ?
A) 5.6 8) 5.44 ©) 5.36 0) 5.63


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Food Safety Officer - Food Safety : Video