Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Assistant Drilling Engineer Mining & Geology Medium of Question : English ' And exam conducted in the year 2019. And Question paper code was '036/2019'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
What is the increase in energy radiated, when the surface temperature of the solid is
(ക) 50% ൫ 200%
(©) 1600% യ) 2000%
The inlet and outlet temperatures of hot and cold fluid in a heat exchanger is 200, 170 and
40, 100 respectively. What is the capacity ratio of the heat exchanger?
@A) 0.6 ® 1.6
© 5 യ 0.8
‘Which of the following is not the inversion of a double slider crank mechanism?
(A) Scotch-yoke mechanism
(B) Whitworth quick return mechanism
(© Elliptical trammel
(D) Oldham’s coupling
The module of two numbers of 20° full depth involute profiled gears which are in mesh is 5.
What is the centre distance between the gears, if the number of teeth are 20 and 40?
@) 150 ൫ 200
© 800 D) 100
What ர்க the maximum pressure in N/m2 in a plate clutch, with inner ஊர outer radii of 60
mm and 120mm, when the axial force is 4000 N. Assume uniform wear.
@) 6 © 6
(0 0.076 0) 6
The linear velocity of a flat belt is 6 m/s. What is the power transmitted, if the tension on the
tight and slack side are 1000 N and 500 N respectively?
മ 98% ®) ٣۴٣
)0( 7۴۲ O 6kw
The speed of an engine changes from 400 to 420 in a cycle. What is the coefficient of
fluctuation of speed?
ക 05 (B) 0.048
© 0.058 D) 0.041
What is the stiffness of the spring for a Hartwell Governor in N/ecm having the lowest and
highest equilibrium speeds of 1000 N and 100 N respectively, if the height of the governor is
2 cm?
&) 500 ൪ 450
© 900 യ 1100
11 86/2019