Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Assistant Drilling Engineer Mining & Geology Medium of Question : English ' And exam conducted in the year 2019. And Question paper code was '036/2019'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
The critical temperature and pressure of steam are :
ക) 373550, 225 bar ൫) 38350, 252 bar
(© 348°C, 184 bar D) 409°C, 166 bar
The mechanical efficiency of & 60 kW engine is 80%. What is the mechanical efficiency at 50%
of rated load, if the frictional power is assumed as constant with load?
(ക) 9 (®) 76.7%
(0 50% @ 80%
The relation for volumetric efficiency of a reciprocating compressor with clearance volume
ratio C:
ல ௦0௫/2) © 1-0+ ١/0
ட ௨௦0-0௬௨ 0) 1+©- (९12)
The output of a gas turbine is 800 kJ/kg. What is the thermal efficiency, if the compressor
work and the heat supplied are 500 kJ/kg and 100 kJ/kg respectively?
(ക) 80% B 30%
© 40% D) 50%
A refrigerating machine working on Reversed Carnot Cycle takes 3 kW from a space with
temperature 150 K. What is the power required to run the gystem in kW and the COP, if the
heat is rejected at 300 K?
@) 51 ® 52
© 31 o 1.3
What is the specific humidity in kg/kg of dry air of the given air which is under a pressure of
100 ೫೫೩ and with DBT 35°C, DPT 20°C and the corresponding saturation pressure 5 kPa and
2 kPa respectively?
۵ 6 © 6
©) 0.0236 © 686
In a room, the latent heat load and the sensible heat load are 50 kd/sec and 30 kJ/sec
respectively. Then the sensible heat factor 18 :
(4) 0.876 1 0.6
© 1.5 D) 0.25
‘Which dimension less number has a significant role in forced convection?
(മ) Prandtl number (3) Reynolds number
(0) Peclet number (D) Mach number
36/2019 10 A