Kerala PSC Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

Title : Assistant Gr II (Direct & By Transfer) Kerala State Housing Board English / Malayalam
Question Code : A


Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Assistant Gr II (Direct & By Transfer) Kerala State Housing Board English / Malayalam' And exam conducted in the year 2019-M. And Question paper code was '032/2019-M'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam and English (containing Malayalam questions) . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.

page: 8 out of 14

Excerpt of Question Code: 032/2019-M









The famous proclamation issued in the name of Bahadur Shah II appealed to the people to
join the fight against British in 1857 :

(ಯ) Asamgarh Proclamation (B) Allahabad Proclamation
(0) Kundara Proclamation (D) None of these

‘Who lead the revolt of 1857 at Lucknow?
(4) Beegam Hazrath Mahal (3) Bahadursha II
(C) Nana Saheb (D) Jhansi Rani

Lord Cornwallis introduced the Permanent Land Settlement in Bengal in :
(ക) 1820 ൫ 1772
© 1793 (D) 1857

The term Tirthangaras is associated with the religion of :
(ಹ) Buddhism (B) Jainism
(0) Sikkism (D) None of these

The famous Social Reformer Mar Kuriakose Ellias Chavara born at :
வ Padyathu (B) Vengannur
(0) Mezhathur (D) Kainakari

In which year was the Indian Citizenship Act passed?
&) 1947 ൫ 1950
(0 5 ೧) 1956

‘When was the Constitution of India brought into force?
(4) 26 November 1946 ‏رمق‎ 26" 1949
ഇലി (D) 26t January 1950

Which Article of the Indian Constitution specifies about right to life?

(A) Article 14 (B) Article 19

(©) Article 21 (D) Article 24
By which Constitutional Amendment Act was the fundamental duties inserted in the Indian

(ക) 4274 Amendment 1976 (2) 44 Amendment 1978

(೮0) 5274 Amendment 1985 (D) 61t Amendment 1988

82/2019-71 10 A

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Assistant Gr II (Direct & By Transfer) Kerala State Housing Board English / Malayalam : Video