Kerala PSC Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

Title : Assistant Gr II (Direct & By Transfer) Kerala State Housing Board English / Malayalam
Question Code : A


Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Assistant Gr II (Direct & By Transfer) Kerala State Housing Board English / Malayalam' And exam conducted in the year 2019-M. And Question paper code was '032/2019-M'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam and English (containing Malayalam questions) . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.

page: 3 out of 14

Excerpt of Question Code: 032/2019-M









The H.C.F of two numbers is 24. The number which can be their L.C.M is :

(4) 128 ® 120
(© 138 യ 150
Find the missing digits :
5,11, 23, —, 95
മ 47 ® 40
© 61 യ 8

Using the relation find the missing letters in the following :
(C) DQSF 0 58

F is the father of A, C is the daughter of A, K is the sister of F and G is the brother of C. Who
18 the uncle of G?

@ c ® F
© A (D) None of these

A walks a distance of 3 KM towards north, then turns to his left and walks for 2 KM, He
again turns left and walks for 3 K.M. At this point he turns to his right and walks for 3 K.M.
How many K.M and in what direction is he from the starting point?

(A) 5 KM and West (B 3K.M and South

(0) 2KM and South യ 4 KM and West
B is twice as old as A but twice younger than F. C is half the age of A but twice older than D.
‘Which two persons from the pair of the oldest and the youngest?

ക) B oldest and D youngest (B) Boldest and 0 youngest

(0) F oldest and D youngest (D) Foldest and C youngest
From the following processes choose the one which does not helps for the absorption of water
from the soil by roots :

(¢) Root Pressure (®) Cohesion

(C) Transpiration (D) Osmosis

All of the following are examples of connective tissue, except :
(A) Bones (8) Blood
(© Cartilages (D) Muscles

5 32/2019-M

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Assistant Gr II (Direct & By Transfer) Kerala State Housing Board English / Malayalam : Video