Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Village Extension Officer Gr.II Rural Development Kollam Idukki Kannur' And exam conducted in the year 2019-M. And Question paper code was '052/2019-M'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam and English (containing Malayalam questions) . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
Pick out the synonym of the word ‘depositary’ :
(ಹ) inheritor (B) ward (ಲ) நண்ண (D) லை
The fifth chapter comprises three sections.
(^) र्ण (B) with (ಲ) no preposition (D) on
Antonym of ‘abortive’ is :
(A) successful (8) reproductive (ಲ) instantaneous (D) fruitful
The one word for a person who doubts in religious practices :
(ಹ) stoic (8) sceptic (ಲ) फलं (D) pantheist
The idiom ‘bury the hatchet’ means 5
(ಹ) keep enmity (B) open enmity (ಲ) अण enmity (D) have no enmity
Victor seldom visits his uncle, Add proper tag question.
(ಹ) 6006711807 (B) ೬೧1167? (C) ishe? (D) doeshe?
‘Khalil Gibran is one of the greatest poets of the world.” Pick out the comparative degree of
the sentence.
(ಹ) Khalil Gibran is greater than many other poets of the world.
(B) Khalil Gibran is greater than any other poet of the world.
(ಲ) Khalil Gibran is greater than any other poets of the world.
(D) Khalil Gibran is the greatest poet of the world.
The passive form of ‘T keep my books here.” is :
(^) My books keep here (8) My books are keeping here
(ಲ) Iam kept the books here (D) My books are kept here
Pick out the correctly spelt word.
(ಹ) Constellation (8) Consistancy
(ಲ) Conspirecy (D) Conservatary
We need two more players ما the team. Supply suitable phrasal verb.
(ಹ) make out (8) make up (ಲ) make for (D) make of
11 052/2019 - M