Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'VEO GR II RURAL DEVELOPMENT DEPT :Kannada' And exam conducted in the year 2019-K. And Question paper code was '066/2019-K'. Medium of question paper was in Kannada and English (containing Kannada questions) . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
Either my father or my mother coming to meeting.
(8) 5ا (B) ௭௦
(C) have (D) None of the above
It was the dress | had ever bought .
(ಯ) Most cheapest (8) Cheaper
(C) Cheapest (೧) ணை
If that Is the case, 1 am not surprised about what is happening.
(A) 0 (8) धौला
(C) when (D) or
Have you had a discussion about to go to the movies or not?
)۸ neither (B) whether
(C) ടല” (೧) டண
९२६1५ ५५८8॥४_ football In the evening.
(¢) Play (8) ೧181೧9
(C) have played (೧) plays
I am too tired, ?
(ಯ) 8೦೧%! (8) ஸப
(೦0) 8ಗಾಗ | (೧) வலப்
He killed two parrots ೦೧೮ 5004,
(A) with (8) by
€ भ॑ (0) د
If you had read the paper, you seen the advertisement.
(ക) ഷി! (8) had
(C) would have (೧) will have
As we drove down the countryside, we saw a of sheep gazing In the flelds.
(ಯ) ٥ں (8) pack
)© م00 (D) flock