Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Operator - Kerala Water Authority' And exam conducted in the year 22. And Question paper code was '008/22'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
The speed of electricity is :
(A) 2,97,842 km/s ൪൫ 2,97,842km/m
(೮) 2,97,842 km/hr (D) none of the above
What is the resistance of the inductive coil takes 5 A current across 240 V, 50 Hz supply
at 0.8 P.F.?
(A) 48W (B) 42.5 W (© ٣٦ (D) 26.6W
In a 3 phase system, if the active power is 4 kW and the apparent power is 5 kVA,
calculate the reactive power.
(A) 1kVAR (B) 2kVAR (0 3 kVAR (0) 4kVAR
What is the di-electric strength in k.V/m.m. of asbestos at 20°C ?
ಯ) 40 (B) 42 ( 44 (D) 46
Two wattmeter method is used to measure the power in load.
(^) resistive load (B) balanced load
(0) un-balanced load (D) balanced and un-balanced load
To magnetize a steel is difficult because of its :
(A) high density (B) high retentivity
(C) high permeability (D) low permeability
What is the effect if one cell is connected with reverse polarity in a parallel combination
circuit ?
(A) voltage became zero (B) became open circuit
(C) will get short circuited (D) مم effect will function normally
The depolarizer is used in dry cell is :
ധ MNO, ரூ MNO,
(C) mercury sulphate (D) NH,
Two batteries each of open circuit voltage 2 V and internal resistance of 2 ohm are
connected in parallel to supply a load of 2 ohm the current supplied by the battery is :
(A) 033A (B) 2A (© 0.84 (D) 1A
A 24 ohm and 8 ohm resistors are in parallel have a combined resistance of :
(A) 3201൩൩ ൯) 2401൩൩ (C) 1901൩ (0) 6000
008/2022 4 A