Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Operator - Kerala Water Authority' And exam conducted in the year 22. And Question paper code was '008/22'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
The unit of solid angle 18 :
(A) radian (8) steradian
(C) degree (D) none of the above
What is the temperature co-efficient value of aluminium at 20° celcius ?
(^) 40.3x1074 (8) 40.3x 1073 (¢) 40.3x 1072 (D)
Melting point of copper is :
ಯ) 1083°C (8) 6 (C) 983°C (D)
One ampere-hour is equal to :
(A) 36000 coulombs (B) 3600 coulombs
(C) 360 coulombs (D) 36 coulombs
The shape of warning sign is
(^) circular (B) square (C) triangular (D)
Unit of M.MLF. is :
(A) Maxwell (B) Lambda (C) Joule (D)
What is the permeability of bismuth ?
( 0.00099988 (B) 0.99988 (0) 1000999881 رجھ
The lifting power of a magnet is :
(७) 22۸/۵۸۰ தா] (©) ۸۷۸۷۶۷١۷۰ (0)
Which type of capacitors are used in RF coupling circuits ?
(^) tantalum ൯) electrolytic
(C) monolithic (D) metalized polypropylene
The voltage of a simple voltaic cell is :
(A) 7۷ ہبہ 1.28 ए (0) 1.08 प (D)
40.3x 1075
Ampere turns