Kerala PSC Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

Title : Inspecting Assistant (Plus 2 Level Main Examination).
Question Code : A


Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name ' Inspecting Assistant (Plus 2 Level Main Examination). ' And exam conducted in the year 2022-K. And Question paper code was '026/2022-K'. Medium of question paper was in Kannada and English (containing Kannada questions) . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.

page: 8 out of 16
Excerpt of Question Code: 026/2022-K

026/22 - K

42. 8 ०००४ ६५७ ನಿಯ ಎ ದ br oS മരുത ?ವ
A) ven 8) ۷٦ ©) ۷ D) pe T

43. 51೪ 5 ನ 5 ‏كل‎ ४ He പി 35 ಸನ್ನಿಯ ರಾ ॐ 35 ० ‏مام‎ 855576:
A) pH>7 B) pH<7 C) pH=7 D) pH=-7

44. 2 2 ‏ما درم هزه‎ 52228௦ 2,08 उ ७ 3०5
5021688759 5०% ८ ടട 5௦ ௦௩%

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0. 19840 'ಜ ० ‏شا‎ € 2 'ಪ)ಶಿ'ಸ್ತಿಚ (स 3 ध ல 55 523:5 ‏تھا‎ 2656 "eed
0.ಜಣ್ಣನಿ'ಪಿ € 5 " @ *2 2 „00 05 १ ‏دتهومة‎ 50० 55
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6. ಸಿಇಹಿ 315६ उ ‏د‎ 0,2 ಸಿಸೆಗ್ರರಳವುಡ 646 ROG മ Bowie 555255 ९
௨5%௦ 3௨5௨6௦5௨௦5.
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A) a,b,c 8) a,c,d ©) a,b,d D) b,d

48. © *९ ॐ dnd. DDS லை 99% BD ல லைம்‌ OBA ०6४ ‏۹9ھ‎
‎۹ ‏ما‎ ५९८८५, 56,5506 பி ‏واج‎ OF


ಅಪ'ರ೦ಇಜಿ 5١5 28 ८0४ ನನ್‌ லூ ௩௦௨8


8) ಭಗೊಪೇನ*,ವಿಜಯ ೨ನ*,ಆ-ರಸುಣಿ *. ಎಸಿ 8
) ನೀಲ ‏ہا‎ 5 *, 2 १९ = 00 BN, ಯವ 55 5 യായ;

A -8-

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Inspecting Assistant (Plus 2 Level Main Examination). : Video