Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Medical Records Librarian GrII in Health Services ' And exam conducted in the year 2021. And Question paper code was '002/2021'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
is a late entry added to a Medical record to provide additional information in
conjunction with a previous entry. The late entry should be timely and bear the current
date and reason for the additional information being added to the health record.
(A) Addendum (B) Abstracting
(C) Aggregate data (D) Amendment
Which of the following activities is not a traditional medical records function ?
(^^) Forms control (B) Quantitative analysis
(C) Retrospective Review (D) Data administration
An incomplete record not finished or made complete within the time frame determined
by the medical records department of the hospital is called
(A) Deficiency slip (B) Delinquent record
(C) Audit trail (D) Hybrid health record
What would you term a situation in which a patient is issued a medical record number
that has been previously issued to a different patient ?
(^) Overlay (B) Overlap
(C) Outguide (D) None of these
Which of the following is considered as ‘impersonal’ use of a medical record ?
(A) Used for Insurance Claim processing
(B) Used for treatment purpose
(C) Submitting to court
(>) Used for academic/research purpose
Which of the following is “True” regarding “Copying and pasting notes from a patient’s
previous visit into the current progress notes” ?
(A) 15 not a recommended practice رق 15 also known as Cloning
(೮) isarisk to Data integrity (D) All of these
In which of these records you normally would not find physician documentation ?
(A) Admission Record (8) Triage forms
(C) Informed Consent (D) Drug Order forms
The method by which records with medico-legal implications are secured in such a
manner as to prevent loss and to ensure that no alteration after the fact can occur is called
(A) Inactivation of medical records (B) Sequestering of medical records
(C) Purging of Medical records (D) Weeding of Medical records
is the process of withdrawing samples of fluid from a joint.
(^) Arthrocentesis (൫) Paracentesis
(C) Thoracocentesis (2) Cannulation
Find the correctly spelled word.
(A) Acetiminophen (B) Acetaminophen
(0) Acetaminophin (D) Acetamenophen
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