Kerala PSC Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

Title : Engineering Assistant Gr III/ Work Superintendent/ Tracer Gr III/ Overseer Gr III
Question Code : A


Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Engineering Assistant Gr III/ Work Superintendent/ Tracer Gr III/ Overseer Gr III ' And exam conducted in the year 2021. And Question paper code was '008/2021'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.

page: 9 out of 16
Excerpt of Question Code: 008/2021










The total length of a cranked bar, the depth (
effective length (L)
(A) L+(2*0.6D)
(© L+(2*0.42D) (

Minimum crushing strength of a brick is
(A) 100 N/mm?
(C) 10 N/mm? (

The coarse sand passing through a screen with clear openings of

used for masonry work.
(A) 4.75 mm
(൭ 3.175 mm (



D) and angle 45° in case of a beam of

1 -0420
9) L—(2*0.42D)

(8) 25 N/mm?

D) 3.5N/mm?2
is generally

1.5875 mm.
D) 7.62 mm

The property of a lime to set in damp places or in thick masonry is known as

(^) Slaking
(൦) Calcination (

Horizontal circulation area of a building may be

(^) 10 to 15 (8)
(൭ 5106 (

It is the value at the end of utility period without
(A) Book value
(C) Scrap value (

The ratio of weight of material per unit vo
at 4 °C

(^) Porosity (B)

(C) Durability (

Siphon Aqueduct is a cross drainage worl


Canal bed is above the H.F.L. of the
Canal bed is below the H.F.L. of the
Canal bed is at the same level as the


D) None of the above

% of the plinth area of the

60 to 75
D) None of the above

being dismantled is

(B) Market value

D) Salvage value

lume to the weight of an equal volume of water

D) Specific gravity

provided to carry canal over a natural drain

natural drain.
natural drain.
bed of the natural drain.

Canal bed is below the bed of the natural drain.

The relation between duty D in hectare/cumec, delta A metres and base period B in days

is given by
(A) A=8.64B/D
(©) A=8.64BD

൫ «^ = 8.64 8
(D) A=8.64/BD

~ 008/2021

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Engineering Assistant Gr III/ Work Superintendent/ Tracer Gr III/ Overseer Gr III : Video