Kerala PSC Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

Title : Common Preliminary Examination (Degree Level)- Stage I-VARIOUS
Question Code : A


Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name ' Common Preliminary Examination (Degree Level)- Stage I-VARIOUS ' And exam conducted in the year 21. And Question paper code was '075/21'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.

page: 4 out of 24
Excerpt of Question Code: 075/21

075/21 - 6

7. Which of the following statement/s is/are true ?
i. ‘Sugar Act’ was related with American Revolution
ii. ‘Green Ribbon Club’ was associated with English Revolution.
iii. ‘Three People’s Principles’ were associated with Chinese Revolution.
iv. ‘Ten Days That Shook The World’ was associated with French Revolution.
A) i, ii and iii 8) i, ii and iv C) ii, ॥ and iv D) Only iv

8. Which one of the following statement/s about UNO is/are not true ?
i. UNO was based on the concept of National sovereignty and Big power
ர்‌. The purpose of UNO is defined in Article | of the UN Charter.
ர்‌. WTO (World Trade Organisation) is a specialised agency of UNO.
iv. UNO was formed to maintain international peace and security.
A) i, ii and iii 8) i, iii and iv C) ii, iii and iv 0) Only iii

9. Consider the following statements, which one is correct ?

i. Tennis Court Oath was related with French Revolution.

ii. ‘Taille’, ‘tithe’ and ‘gabelle’ were terms denoting taxes prevailed in France during

French Revolution.
ர்‌. “The Friend of our Country” was a journal of rebels during the French Revolution.
iv. ‘Pride’s Purge’ was connected with French Revolution
A) i, ii and iv B) i, ii and iii C) ii, iii and iv D) i, iii and iv
10. Read the following statements regarding National Food Security Bill.

i. The aim of the Bill is to provide subsidised food to the poor people of the Country.
ர்‌. This Bill was first implemented in Rajasthan.
ர்‌. AAY (Antyodaya Anna Yojana) is an extension of this Bill.

iv. Targetted Public Distribution System is jointly operated by Central and State

Which among the codes given below is true ?

A) i, ii and iii 8) ii, iii and iv 0) ii, iii and iv D) i, ii and iv

11. Consider the following statements :

Statement A : Westerlies are more powerful and aggressive in Southern

Statement 8 : Westerlies in Southern hemisphere blows through friction free surface
of oceans.

Select the correct answer.

A) Statement A is correct, B is incorrect

B) Statement B is correct, A is incorrect

C) Both statements are incorrect

) Both statements are correct and statement B explains statement A

A -4-

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Common Preliminary Examination (Degree Level)- Stage I-VARIOUS : Video