Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Electrician in KSFDC, Tourism, Agriculture etc' And exam conducted in the year 21. And Question paper code was '121/21'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
94. 1٦, for a bipolar junction transistor, © 0.99, then B=:
0.099 (B) 1
99 (D) 100
95. Reverse breakdown of a PN diode under reverse bias due to increase in kinetic energy of free
electrons is called :
(A) Zener breakdown (B) Avalanche breakdown
(C) Tunnel breakdown ൯) Schottky breakdown
96. The majority charge carriers in P type semiconductor are :
(A) positive ions ൯) electrons
(C) negative ions ൯) 110५168
97. When a group V element such as arsenic is added to pure silicon, it results in the type
semiconductor referred to as :
acceptor type (B) donor type
intrinsic type (D) ൩൦൩൭ of the above
98. The type of diode that exhibits negative resistance under low forward bias condition
Varactor diode (B) Zener diode
Schottky diode (D) Tunnel diode
99. When compared to fullwave rectifier, a half wave rectifier is characterised by :
excessive ripple, small value of rectification efficiency, small value of transformer
utilization factor and DC saturation of transformer core
excessive ripple, high value of rectification efficiency, high value of transformer
utilization factor and DC saturation of transformer core
lower ripple, small value of rectification efficiency, high value of transformer
utilization factor and DC saturation of transformer core
lower ripple, high value of rectification efficiency, small value of transformer
utilization factor and DC saturation of transformer core
100. For a bipolar junction transistor to operate in the active region, its :
collector-emitter junction is forward biased and base-collector junction is reverse
ase-collector junction is forward and base-emitter junction is reverse biased
ase-emitter junction is forward biased and base-collector junction is reverse
collector-emitter junction is reverse biased and base-collector junction is forward
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