Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Assistant Insurance Medical Officer/ Assistant Surgeon/ Casuality Medical Officer-Insurance Medical Service, Health Services ' And exam conducted in the year 2021. And Question paper code was '12/2021/OL'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
امع ماو طم يه
Option-C ب مومه Correct
Question4:-Commonest cause of Nephrotic Syndrome in Childhood is
‘Ac Minimal Change Disease
B:-Membranous Nephropathy
(6५ Nephropathy
D-Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephvitis
Correct Answer:- ೦೧000
QuestionS0:-MELD Scoring system uses all the following variables except
B:-Bilirubin level
Correct Answer:- Option-D
QuestionS1:-Anti 9010 antibodies are strongly associated with
1101೦7 Fisher Syndrome
டட ப
QuestionS2:-The imaging investigation of choice for diagnosis of diffuse axonal injury is
B:-Computed Tomography (CT)
‘C-Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
D-Colour doppler
Correct Answer: Option-C
‘QuestionS3::Which of the following statements is incorrect about fibromuscular dysplasia ?
‘Act typically occurs in young women
8:1೬ is the most common cause of non atheromatous renal artery stenosis
C-The proximal third of the renal artery is the site generally involved
Shows ‘string of beads’ sign on angiography
Correct Answer: Option-C
QuestionS4:-The most characteristic sign of breast cancer on mammographic images
‘AcTram-track calcification
B:-Pop corn’ pattern of calcification
D-Clustered microcaleification
Correct Answer:- Option-D
QuestionS5:-Regarding imaging of multiple myeloma lesions, which of the following statements are
correct ?
1) Skull radiographs show punched out lytic lesions
ii) Characteristically involves pedicles of vertebrae
iii) Mandible is more commonly involved in myeloma than in metastases
iv) Skeletal survey is better investigation than scintigraphy to visualise the lesions in multiple
‘AcStatements (i) and (iv)
B:-Statements (i) and (i)
كتمع مع اماك (i) and (i)
Statements (1) and (iv)
Correct Answer: ೦00೦೧,
Question56:-On CT scan images typical lesions of hepatocellular carcinoma show peak contrast enhancement in
‘A:-Portal venous phase
B:-Hepatic arterial phase