Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'ICDS Supervisor (SR from ST Women candidates only) - Women and Child Development ' And exam conducted in the year 2022. And Question paper code was '3/2022/OL'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
ഷി of the above
Correct Answer: Option-C
Question25:-Pungency of black pepper is due to the
Correct Answer:- ೦೧000
Question26::Which of the following statement about family is correct ?
‘Ac Many of the functions of family have been taken out by secondary agencies today
B:-Urbanisation has strengthened joint family system
അരി joint families offer high individual freedom
D-Modem nuclear families are characterised by decreased status of women
Correct Answer:- ೦೧000
Question27::Which of the following does not come under ‘dowry’ as per the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 ?
‘AcAny property or valuables given by one party to a marriage to the other party to the marriage
B:-Any property or valuables given by the parents of either party at the time of marriage
പേ valuables agreed to be given by either party in connection with marriage
ಬ mehar given in marriages under Muslim Personal Law
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question28::Which of the following is a result of climate change 7
‘Ac Mental disorder
B:-Population displacement
C-Changes in seasonal cycles
०-५। the above
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question29::Which of the following is not an indicator of women empowerment ?
‘AcIncreased participation of women in education
Bs-Increased il-treatment of women
വട age at marriage
D-Increased involvement of women in politics
Correct Answer: Option ®
Question30::Which of the following statement is correct ?
هنتم good questionnaire consists of double-barreled questions
B:-A questionnaire is used to collect data from illiterate respondents
C-A questionnaire may contain both open ended and closed ended questions
ದ: good questionnaire consists of ambiguous questions
Correct Answer: Option-C
Question31:-Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (8)
Assertion (A) : joint families provide psychological and emotional security to its members.
Reason (8) : Joint families retard individual development and promote idleness.
९-९8) & true and (R) is false
B:(A) is false and (R) is true
0800 (A) and (R) are false
D:-Both (A) and (R) are true
Correct Answer: Option-D
Question32:-Sateesh who is a graduate in Chemical Engineering is working as an office attendant in a multinational company. This is an example of
‘A: Underemployment
B:-Educated unemployment
CTechnological unemployment