Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Deputy General Manager - Kerala State Coopertaive Bank Ltd ' And exam conducted in the year 2022. And Question paper code was '36/2022/OL'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
Question Paper Code: 364202240൨.
Category Code: 340/2018
Exam: Deputy General Manager
Date of Test 05-07-2022
Department Kerala State Coopertaive Bank Ltd
Alphacode A
Question1:-Match the following list and select the correct option from the codes given below.
List - 1 List - It
Monuments City
A. Charminar 1. Delhi
8. Hawa Mahal ॥. Bhopal
C. Sanchistupa ॥ Hyderabad
D. India Gate 1४ Jaipur
^ - ۲۷۰ 8 - ,ال 6-۱8 - 0۷
BeA-Ill, 8 -1४, ८-॥, ० -।
சகட 8 - 11, ९-४, ० -।
5: - ع ,8-1 ب1 -॥, D-1V
Correct Answer: 8
‘Question2:-Which of the following statement about Paradeep port are true 7
1. ॥ 6 specially designed for the export of Thermal Coal and Iron Ore,
2. 16 5 located on the Odisha Coast.
3. tis the biggest seaport in India
4. The area around the port is a free trade zone.
Acland 2
Bel, 2and 3
Col, 3 and 4
D:-2, 3 806 4
Correct Answer: Option:
‘Question3:-Consider the following pairs :
1, Nanasaheb - Kanpur
॥ Begam Hazrat Mahal - Lucknow
॥ Rani Lakshmi Bai - Jhansi
IV. Khan Bahadur Khan - Arrah
\V. Kunwarsingh - Bareilly
Which of the above are correctly matched ? Choose the answer from the codes given below.
கி of them
Cell AV
Correct Answer: 8
Question4:-Arrange the following in historical sequence =
1. Escape of Subhash Chandra Bose from India.
॥ Celebration of the Deliverance Day by the Muslim League,
I. Resignation of the Congress Ministeries.
IV, Lahore resolution of the League demanding separate State for Muslims,
४ Quit India resolution by the congress.
Choose the correct answer from the codes given below.
,1ھ Land V
Boll, 1,۷ and V
Dell IV, 1, ॥ ೫೧೮ V
Correct Answer: Option-C
Question5:-This organisation was initially founded in 1924 in Paris under the motto ‘Gens Una Sumus' (we are one family). It currently has its Headquarters in Lausanne (Switzerland). It
was recognized by Intemational Olympic Committee as a Global sporting organization in 1999. Identify the organisation.
‘AcIntemational Rugby Board (IRB)
B:-Federation Internationle de Football Association (FIFA)
International Tennis Federation (ITF)
D:-Federation Internationle des Echecs (FIDE)
Correct Answer: Option-D