Kerala PSC Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

Title : Technician Grade-II (Boiler Operator) - Kerala Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd
Question Code : A


Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Technician Grade-II (Boiler Operator) - Kerala Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd ' And exam conducted in the year 2022. And Question paper code was '057/2022'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.

page: 6 out of 16
Excerpt of Question Code: 057/2022






Which of the following statements is/are correct about Stirling boiler?

(i) It is a water tube boiler

(ii) It is a bent tube boiler with steam drums and water drum.

(iii) It is a water tube boiler with straight tubes.

(iv) It is popular for large central power stations.

(A) Only (i & iii)

(B) Only (i & ii)

(C) Only (i, ii & iv) (D) All of the above

Match the following statements in Column 1 to that in Column 2

Column 1

(a) Horizontal straight tube boiler
(b) Vertical multi-tubular boiler
(c) Bent tube boiler

(d) Single tube boiler

(A) a-ii, 0-1, പി, d-iv

(©) a-iv, 0-1, c-iv, பெர்‌

Column 2

(i) Cochran

(ii) Stirling

(iii) Babcock and Wilcox
(iv) Simple vertical boiler
(8) 8-1, 0-1, c-iv, d-iii

(0) 8-1, 0-1, ೦-1, d-iv

Which of the following combinations represents boiler mountings?

(A) Fusible plug and Economizer

(B) Blow off cock and super heater
(C) Safety valves and feed pumps

(D) Pressure gauges and water level gauges

Which of the following is not a horizontal boiler?

(A) Lancashire
(C) Babcock and Wilcox

(B) Locomotive
(D) Cochran

Match the following statements in Column 1 to that in Column 2:

Column 1

(a) High Pressure boiler

(b) Forced circulation boiler
(c) Low pressure boiler

(d) Portable boiler

(A) a-iv, b-ii, പി, d-i

(©) 8-1, b-iv, പി, d-i

Column 2

(i) Locomotive

(ii) Benson

(iii) Lancashire

(iv) Babcock and Wilcox
(8) 8-1, 0-11, പി, d-iv

(0) 8-1, 0-11, c-iv, d-i

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Technician Grade-II (Boiler Operator) - Kerala Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd : Video