Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name ' Deputy Engineer (Civil) & Assistant Engineer (Hydrology) - Kerala Co- operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd & Ground Water ' And exam conducted in the year 2022. And Question paper code was '067/2022'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
Original cost of property after allowing for depreciation is known as
(^^) book value (B) | salvage value
(C) obsolescence value (D) rateable value
The weight of steel reinforcement of one cubic metre is equal to
(^) 7850kN (B) 7850kg (C) 785 tonne (D) 7850N
A fund that is gradually accumulated by periodic or annual deposit for the replacement of
building or structure at the end of its useful life is termed as
(A) rising fund )8( scrap fund
(C) local fund (D) . sinking fund
Deciduous trees fall under the category of
(A) Exogenous trees (B) Endogenous trees
(C) Conifers trees (D) Evergreen trees
Based on modulus of elasticity, timber used for construction purposes are classified as
Group B when
(A) Modulus of elasticity in bending above 12.5 kN/mm?
(B) Modulus of elasticity in bending above 5.6 kN/mm? and below 9.8 KN/mm?
(0) Modulus of elasticity in bending above 9.8 kN/mm? and below 12.5 KN/mm?
(ए) Modulus of elasticity in bending below 5.6 KN/mm?
As per relevant Bureau of Indian Standard, the soundness of 43 grade Ordinary Portland
Cement tested according to Le Chatelier apparatus shall not be more than
(A) 2mm (B) 10mm (0 1% (D) 0.8%
Match the following :
List -I List - 11
(K) Bitumen emulsion (P) fluxing asphaltic bitumen in presence of some
suitable liquid distillates of coal tar or
(L) Blown bitumen (Q) obtained by passing air under pressure at a
higher temperature
(M) Cut-back bitumen (र) distilled to a definite viscosity or penetration
without further treatment.
(N) Straight run bitumen (S) liquid product containing bitumen to a great
extent in an aqueous medium
(^) 8 Q PR
(B) 0 م RS
(01 R Qs
(0) ए Q $ ए
A plastic material obtained by oxidizing linseed oil into a rubber like substance mixed
with ground cork, wood flour and pigments is known as
(A) Thermocol (8) ೫10/0 glass
(೮) Glass wool (D) Linoleum
7 067/2022