Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name ' Deputy Engineer (Civil) & Assistant Engineer (Hydrology) - Kerala Co- operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd & Ground Water ' And exam conducted in the year 2022. And Question paper code was '067/2022'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
Through Recuperation test it was obtained that the specific yield of soil is 0.01 hr-!. The
sides of the open well is fully covered with concrete and the inner diameter of the well is
2 m. If the well works under a safe depression head of 1.4 m, the ratio between safe
yield to specific capacity
(A) 44 Litres/hour (B) 14m
(C) 44 Litres/hour/m (D) 44 m/hour/m
A theodolite, the telescope of which can be revolved in a vertical plane about its
horizontal axis, is known as a
(A) Transit theodolite (B) Non-transit theodolite
(C) Vernier type theodolite (D) 01855 ೫೫೦ type theodolite
A 20 m tape is found to be 0.1 m too short throughout measurement. If the distance
measured is recorded as 200 m, what will be the actual distance measured ?
(A) 202m (B) 198m (൭ 199m (D) 201m
A total station is a combination of the following set of instruments :
(A) _ theodolite and compass
(B) electronic theodolite and electronic distance measurement
(೮) 1160001116 and level
(D) global positioning system and electronic distance measurement
A staff reading taken on a point of known reduced level is termed as
(க) intermediate sight (B) fore sight
(C) height of instrument 0) back sight
The standard time meridian in India is 82° 30' E. If the standard time at any instant is 15
hr 10 min, the local mean time for a place with longitude 20° E will be equal to
(A) 4am (B) 11pm (C) 4pm (D) llam
Match the Lists :
List -1 1450-11
(Item for Estimation) (Measurement unit)
1) 1200० shutters wood work P) cubic metre
(0) Rebar bending (©) _ 0111128]
(<) 1२0०६ excavation (र) square metre
(L) _ Iron bar threading (S) centimetre
(A) P 5 QR
(8) र Q م ട്ട
(^) 5 R © P
(D) Q 5 PR
A deposit taken as a guaranty from the bidder while submitting a tender is known as
(A) _ bank guarantee deposit (8). security deposit
(C) earnest money deposit (D) caution deposit
067/2022 = ` 6 A