Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name ' Deputy Engineer (Civil) & Assistant Engineer (Hydrology) - Kerala Co- operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd & Ground Water ' And exam conducted in the year 2022. And Question paper code was '067/2022'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
100. In the rigid
067/2022 = `
The distance between two consecutive vehicles is called
(^) Time headway
(C) Jam density
(8) Traffic flow
(D) Space headway
The number of vehicles per unit length at any instant of time is called as
(൧) Density
(B) Capacity
(D) Saturation flow
The minimum space headway in a traffic stream is equal to
(C) Volume
(A) 8, +L
(൭ 071+ 7
൫ 0.278 2+1
(0) 02V+S
If the spot speeds are 50, 40, 60, 54 and 45 kmph then the time mean speed is
(A) 49.8 kmph
(0) 48.9 kmph
(B) 46.8 kmph
(D) 48.6 kmph
The speed distribution of vehicles at a point on the roadway is
(A) Spot speed
(C) Space mean speed
The vertical alignment of a highway includes
(A) Sight distance and traffic intersection
(B) Highway lightning
(C) Design of valley curves and gradients
(D) Widening of pavement
(B) Journey speed
(D) Time mean speed
The ruling gradient required for plain or rolling terrain is
(A) lin 15 (B)
Bleeding in the bituminous pavement surface causes
(A) 1,089 of skid resistance
(0 Pothole in base layer
The surface depression along the wheel path is called as
(A) Longitudinal cracking
(C) Surface cracking
(C) 1in30 (D) 0
(B) Permeability of subgrade
(D) Water pumping
(B) Surface rutting
(D) Longitudinal gradient
avement construction, the dowel bars provided to
(A) distribute loads between slabs in horizontal direction
(8) keep the slabs in longitudinal position
(C) _ strengthen the slabs from longitudinal movement
(D) 10 avoid the vertical movement of slabs