Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Foreman (Electrical), Assistant Manager (Electrical) etc - Industries & Commerce, The Kerala Ceramics Ltd etc ' And exam conducted in the year 2022. And Question paper code was '075/2022'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
The clock frequency of an 8085 microprocessor is 10 MHz and time required to execute
an instruction is 1.2 500, then the T states needed for executing the instruction is
(A) 3 (B) 8
(0 5 (0) 12
When two processors | and 2 executing the same instruction set and under identical
conditions then a same input program running on second processor takes 25% less time
but incurs 20% more clock cycles per instruction as compared to the program running on
first processor. If the clock frequency of first processor is 1 GHz, then the frequency of
second processor is
(^) 1.1 GHz (B) 1.03 GHz
(C) 2.3 GHz (D) 1.6 GHz
In 8085 assembly language, a sequence of two registers that multiplies the content of DE
register pair by two and stores that result in HL register pair is
Find the resolution of a 10-bit analog to digital converter for an input range of 10 V.
(A) 97.7mV ൫ 7
(൭ 0.977mVv (0) 977mV
With available head of 1 m to develop 1 HP power output from a hydroelectric power
plant, the speed at which the turbine will rotate is called
(^) Specific speed (B) Synchronous speed
(C) Asynchronous speed (D) Actual speed
A moderator which is used in nuclear power plant to slow down the fast moving neutrons
should have
(^) High molecular weight (B) High fishing property
(C) High neutron weight (D) Low molecular weight
A conductor is composed of seven identical copper strands, each having a radius of 2 cm.
Then the self GMD of the conductor will be
(A) 2.77 ص )8( 2.177 ना
(0 4.35 مت 4.12 )2( حص
A circuit breaker has interrupted the current at the instant when its value is 5 kA with
inductance 10 mH and capacitance | uF. What will be resistance value required for
resistance switching process ?
(^) 10.250 (8) 20.22 (2
(C) 40.2 (2 (D) 50൨
An over current relay of current rating 5 A and setting 150% is connected to a 200/54
CT. Then the line current required to pick up the relay is
(A) 200A ൫ 150.5
(൭ 300A (D) 320A
7 075/2022