Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Nursing Tutor - Health Services ' And exam conducted in the year 2022. And Question paper code was '100/2022'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
An excitatory neurotransmitter in high level can excite a neuron to such a extend that the
cells die. This property often referred to as excitotoxicity is associated with :
(A) Acetylcholine (B) Glutamate
(C) Dopamine (D) Epinephrine
A Forensic mental health nurse assist the law enforcement officers on the scene, assess the
mental status of perpetuator, participate in critique of the incident and provide a link to
mental health agency. This role is referred to as:
(ಸ) Consultant (B) Hostage Negotiator
(C) Forensic Nurse Examiner () Criminal Profiler
A nurse must possess certain qualities to initiate and maintain therapeutic relationship. The
following are the action-oriented conditions for facilitative nurse patient relationship except :
(^) Catharsis (B) Role playing
(C) Empathy (D) Confrontation
When administering medication, the nurse needs to assess patient’s response to medication.
The nurse uses the following rating scale for assessment of Neuroleptic induced
Parkinsonism for patient receiving antipsychotic
(A) Simpson Angus Rating Scale
(B) Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale
(C) Clinical Global Impressions Scale
(D) Toronto Side effect Scale
A mental health nurse works in a community or home along with other team members to
provide unlimited medical, psychosocial and rehabilitative services to adults with severe
mental illness. This type of community intervention is referred as :
Traditional Mental Health Care (B) Multisystem therapy ھ)
(C) Case Management (D) Assertive community therapy
A client who has recently diagnosed to have cancer, says that the investigations are wrong
and it can’t happen to him. The nurse who provides care to this client recognize this as an:
(A) Appraisal focused coping (B) Anticipatory coping
(C) Problem focused coping (D) Emotion focused coping
A client with mania makes a comment “The nurse during day shift did not allow me to go out
of the ward. You are such a nice person, who is very loving and caring, I know you will
definitely allow me’. The new assigned nurse also did not allow him to go out. Here the
behaviour of the nurse is based on the principle that
(A) Consistency is to be maintained
(B) Avoid unnecessary increase in patient anxiety
(C) Maintain realistic nurse patient relationship
(D) Use self-understanding as a therapeutic tool
9 100/2022