Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Nursing Tutor - Health Services ' And exam conducted in the year 2022. And Question paper code was '100/2022'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
Deep transverse arrest can occur in this position :
(A) Right sacroanterior (B) Right occipitoposterior
(C) Left mentoanterior (D) Left sacroposterior
Superficial oedema and bruising in the subcutaneous fatty tissue arond umbilicus is :
(4) Stallworthy sign (B) Bagel sign
(0) Cullen’s sign (D) Spalding sign
B Lynch suture is applied in :
(ಹ) Post partum haemorrhage B) Hysterectomy
(@ Episiotomy (D) Antepartum haemorrhage
Following drugs are used for ovulation induction except :
(A) Clomiphene citrate (B) Metformin
(0 Gonadotrophins ൯൩) Danazol
What is the ratio of chest compression to ventilation while resuscitating new born?
(A) 2:1 ൯) 3:1
(0) 5:1 ൯൩) 4:1
Transformation zone is closely associated with :
(A) Chronic cervicitis (B) Endometriosis
(C) Cervical cancer ൯) Endometrial cancer
The following are the components of Bishops score except :
(A) Station of presenting part (B) Foetal heart rate
(C) Cervical dilatation (1) Effacement of cervix
The recommended caloric requirement of 1 year old child is :
(A) 1000 kcal/day (B) 1100 kcal/day
(C) 1200 kcal/day (D) 1300 kcal/day
An under developed small mandible is a characteristic feature of :
(A) Down syndrome ൯) Prader-Willi syndrome
(0 Cri-do-chat syndrome (D) Pierre Robin syndrome
Which among the following statement is not true regarding the care of a normal new-born?
(A) All babies should receive vitamin K prophylaxis
(B) Mother shouldn’t be informed of the danger signals
(C) Breast feeding is initiated as soon as possible
(D) Initial immunisation should be given before discharge