Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'TECHNICAL ASSISTANT GR II GOVERNMENT ANALYSTS LABORATORY FOOD SAFETY DEPT' And exam conducted in the year 2018. And Question paper code was '006/2018'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
11100 000 ೦8 (70 following is ortho, para directing and activating group
(A) - पपर @) -COR
Trans 2- butene on bromination gives
(A) Mesodibromide (8) Racemic mixture of dibromide
(ಲ) Dextrodibromide (D) Leavo dibromide
The electronic configuration of Europium is
(ಹ) [Xe] 47 541 652 (B) [Xe] 47 541 65!
(ಲ) [Xe] 4 560 62 D) [अ] 4 540 682
The dominant functional group present in Dowex-50 resin that is usually used 28 the ion exchange
resin column for the seperation of lanthanides is
(ಹ) —-NH, டண
~) —SOzH group (D) - COOR group
For Ferrimagnetic substances, below curie temperature ,
(A) Spins are aligned parallel and cancel each other
(B) Spins are aligned anti-parallel and cancel each other
(ಲ) Spins are aligned anti-parallel but do not cancel each other
(D) None of these
‘Which one of the following is a protophillic solvent ?
(ಹ) CH,COOH @) प्राः
© CH,OH യ (लपि
An indicator of the intermolecular binding force which keeps the molecules together in a solvent.
(ಹ) Liquid constant (8) Dalton constant
(C) Trouton constant (D) Buoyant constant
100. Barium nitrate and silver chloride react in liquid ammonia medium to form a precipitate of ——
(ക) Silver nitrate (B) Both Silver nitrate and Barium chloride
(C) Barium chloride (D) No precipitation occurs
006/2018 14 A