Kerala PSC Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

Title : Draftsman Gr I, Overseer Gr II/ Draftsman Gr II,Engineering Assistant Gr II, Field Assistant etc in Port,Irrigation, PWD etc
Question Code : A


Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Draftsman Gr I, Overseer Gr II/ Draftsman Gr II,Engineering Assistant Gr II, Field Assistant etc in Port,Irrigation, PWD etc' And exam conducted in the year 2023. And Question paper code was '073/2023'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.

page: 9 out of 16
Excerpt of Question Code: 073/2023







Which of the following are deep foundation ?
|. Strap footing
Il. Mat foundation
Ill. Well foundation
IV. Pile foundation
A) Only | and Ill B) Only | and II C) Only Il and IV D) Only Ill and IV

Which of the following is not a requirement of good stair case ?

A) Width of landing should not be less than the width of stair

B) Winders should not be avoided as far as possible

C) The slope of stair should never exceed 40° and should not be flatter than 25°
D) The maximum number of steps in a flight is 12

Statement | : Shoring is the construction of a permanent structure to support an
unsafe structure.

Statement Il : The method of underpinning helps to strengthen the foundation of an
existing building or any other infrastructure.

Out of following, which option is correct ?

A) Statement | and Statement Il are True

B) Statement | is False and Statement Il is True

C) Statement | is True and Statement Il is False

D) Statement | and Statement Il are False

Match the following :

List -1 List - Il
|. Flush Pointing i. This is made by making a projection in the
form of V-shape
ll. Recessed Pointing ii. The face the pointing is kept inclined, with its
upper edge pressed inside the face by 10 mm
Ill. Struck Pointing iii. Mortar is pressed hard in the raked joints
IV. Weathered Pointing iv. Mortar is pressing back by 5 mm or more

from the edges
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A) 1 ॥ iv iii

8) ॥ ‏للا‎ | iv

@ ४ i_ iii ii

0) ‏لا‎ ൧ ॥ i

Maximum bending moment developed in the given beam of span 4 mis

20 kN/m
1 4m 1
A) 20 kNm B) 40 kNm C) 80kNm 0) 100 kNm

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Draftsman Gr I, Overseer Gr II/ Draftsman Gr II,Engineering Assistant Gr II, Field Assistant etc in Port,Irrigation, PWD etc : Video