Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Assistant Professor Electronics and Communication Engineering' And exam conducted in the year 2023. And Question paper code was '051/2023'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
17. The advantage of NORA CMOS logic is that
A static CMOS inverter is not required at the output of every dynamic logic
stage. Instead, direct coupling of logic blocks is feasible by alternating nMOS
and pMOS logic blocks.
A static CMOS inverter is required at the output of every dynamic logic stage.
Instead, indirect coupling of logic blocks is feasible by alternating nMOS and
pMOS logic blocks.
A static CMOS inverter is not required at the output of every dynamic logic
stage. Instead, indirect coupling of logic blocks is feasible by alternating nMOS
and pMOS logic blocks.
A static CMOS inverter is required at the output of every dynamic logic stage.
Instead, direct coupling of logic blocks is feasible by alternating nMOS and
pMOS logic blocks.
Consider a process with a subthreshold slope of 100 mV/decade and a DIBL
coefficient of 0.15. How far must the power supply droop to cut subthreshold leakage
by a factor of 2 ?
100 mV B) 150 mV
175 mV D) 200 mV
A CE amplifier has a resistor Re connected between collector and base, Rr = 40k
Ro = 4k. If hy, = 50, rg = 1k, then output resistance Ro is
B) 20kQ 2ا40
ட) 0.66 2 4/42
An amplifier has a open loop gain of 100, an input impedance of 1kQ, and an output
impedance of 100. If a feedback network with a feedback factor of 0.99 is connected
in voltage series feedback mode, then new input and output impedance are
1062 810 162 B) 10Q and 10kQ
100kQ and 2 D) 100kQ and 10kQ
If a differential amplifier has a differential gain of 20000. CMRR = 80aB, then common
mode gain is
2 B) 1 0) 1⁄2 2) 0