Kerala PSC Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

Title : Non Vocational Teacher Physics (Junior & Senior)
Question Code : A


Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Non Vocational Teacher Physics (Junior & Senior)' And exam conducted in the year 2023. And Question paper code was '084/2023'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.

page: 10 out of 22
Excerpt of Question Code: 084/2023









The pulsing technique that is capable of producing the shortest pulse is:
(A) Q-switching ®) Mode-locking
(C) Cavity damping (D) Mechanical Chopper

The vibrational frequency of non-rigid rotator of hydrogen chloride whose centrifugal
distortion constant and rotational constant are given as 10.44 cm™ and 5.28 x 105 ಲ will

(A) 4720 cm (B) 6720 cm
(C) 5860 cm ൫) 7080 cm-!

A Mossbauer nucleus *’Fe makes the transition from the excited state of energy of
23 x 10-16 J to the ground state. The recoil velocity is then:

(A) 1.05 x 10-6 J (8) 2.05x 10-6 J

(©) 3.05 x 106 J (D) 4.05 x 10°65

The larmour frequency of a F-19 with gyromagnetic ratio 40.05 MHz/T in a magnetic field
strength of 3 T is about:

(A) 60 MHz (B) 30MHz

(C) 180 MHz (D) 120 MHz

The normal modes of vibrations of COz molecules::
(A) Symmetric stretching and Symmetric bending are IR active
(B) Symmetric stretching is IR active but Symmetric bending are IR inactive
(C) Symmetric stretching is IR inactive but Symmetric bending are IR active
(D) Symmetric stretching and Symmetric bending are both IR inactive

The rotational Raman spectra of symmetric top molecule, the frequencies of R-branch lines
appear as:

(A) equally spaced lines with spacing equal to B

(B) equally spaced lines with spacing equal to 2B

(C) equally spaced lines with spacing equal to 3B

(D) equally spaced lines with spacing equal to 4B

The frequency at which the transition between the two spin states of a free electron may be
observed at a field strength of 0.2 T with g = 2.0025 and nuclear magnetic moment 9.3 x 10-24
J is:

(0) 5.6x 10% st ®) 4.8x10%s

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Concerning nuclear spin and NMR, which of the following statements is false?:

(^) Nuclei with I= 0 readily undergo NMR

(B) Alt nuclei can undergo NMR except those containing even numbers of both
protons and neutrons

(C) Every element in the periodic table has at least one isotope that can undergo

(D) Across the periodic table nuclear spins with values ranging from 0 to 8 is found to
undergo NMR

084/2023 12 A

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Non Vocational Teacher Physics (Junior & Senior) : Video