Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Draftsman Grade I/Town Planning surveyorGrade I' And exam conducted in the year 2023. And Question paper code was '124/2023'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
Mortar applied in raked, cleaned and wet joints in excess to form raised band is
known as
A) Weather pointing B) Flush pointing
C) Trucked pointing D) Ruled pointing
Which of the following statement is/are correct ?
i. The continuous length of DPC to be laid in a single day is limited to 6 m.
ii. Surface of mossaic flooring is to be covered with wet bags after about 2 hrs. of
iii. For the application of oil distemper it is mixed with required amount of linsed oil
and applied on the surface.
iv. Polish is pure shellac varying from pale orange to lemon yellow colour, free from
resin, dirt dissolved in water at the rate of 0.15 kg of shellac to 1 L of water.
A) iv only B) ii only
C) iandiv 0) ॥ 210 ॥
A6mx 5m wall is to be plastered. It is having a ventilator opening of 60 cm x 90 cm
and a window opening of 1800 cm x 1200 cm. Estimate the quantity of plastering
for outer face only.
A) 28 m2 B) 27 m2
©) 2972 D) 30 m?
Amount charged by the engineering department when take up the work of other
department for establishment, design, planning and supervision is
A) work establishment charges B) untage charges
C) execution charges D) supervisory charges
The weight of 3 m length of 12 mm diameter steel bar is
A) 2.67 kg B) 0.267 kg
C) 2.35 kg D) 0.235 kg
Which among the below set of colours are generally known as the primary colours
of light ?
A) Red, Green, Blue B) White, Yellow, Blue
C) Red, Green, Black D) Black, White, Red