Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Sub Inspector Of Police (Trainee) (Main Examination)' And exam conducted in the year 2023. And Question paper code was '158/2023'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
اللا - 158/23
Which among the following is/are example for life style disease ?
i. Obesity
ர். Type 2 diabetes
iii. Botulism
A) Onlyi 8) Only i and ii
C) Only ii and iii D) All the above (i, ii and iii)
‘Snehapoorvam’ scheme envisages
A) To identify and support orphaned children in the community
B) To assist the care givers of disabled, bedridden patients
C) Financial assistance to the bedridden Endosulfan victims
D) None of the above
In aclass test, 15 students got marks more than 50, 23 got marks less than 50 but
more than 10 and the remaining 12 students scored less than 10. What percentage
of students have got marks between 10 and 50 ?
A) 30% B) 46% C) 24% D) 50%
The present ages of A, B, C are in the ratio 1 : 2: 3. Before 10 years, C was 50 years
old. How much will be the age of A after 10 years ?
A) 30 B) 40 C) 50 D) 60
A tap fills a water tank in 2 hours. A leak at the bottom of the tank empties it in
3 hours. Both were opened for 1 hour after that the leak has closed. By how much
time will the tank fill ?
A) 3 hours 30 minutes B) 3 hours 40 minutes
C) 2 hours 30 minutes D) 2 hours 40 minutes
Which is the 10" two digit number that leaves a remainder 1 when divided by 5 ?
A) 61 B) 56 C) 51 D) 46
Distance between two places A and Bis 100 km. A car travels from A to B covers the
first 40 km in an average speed of 60 km/hr and the rest of the journey in an average
speed 45 km/hr. What is the average speed of the car in the entire journey ?
A) 52.5 km/hr B) 60 km/hr C) 50 km/hr D) 55 km/hr
The missing term in the series “ABC, CZG, FWM, "is
A) JST B) JSO ௦ /ப5 D) HVL
What is the angle between the hour and minute hands of a clock showing the time
9.10 ?
A) 140° B) 145° C) 150° D) 155°