Kerala PSC Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

Question Code : A


Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'RANGE FOREST OFFICER' And exam conducted in the year 21. And Question paper code was '061/21'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.

page: 1 out of 2
Excerpt of Question Code: 061/21

Time : 3.00 Hours



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Number of Questions : 32

‎What is meant by ecological refugees 7‏ ۔

‎„ Write a short note on Bhopal tragedy.

‎. What is ecological footprint ?

‎. Write 3 short note on Ramsar convention.

‎. What is meant by Indian Eco mark ?

‎. Write down the ecological impacts of river valley projects in India.

‎. What are the impacts of exotic species on natural ecosystem ?

‎Explain the reasons of man animal conflicts.

‎. Explain the impacts of Covid-19 on ecological conditions of the world.

‎. Explain GMOs and their environmental implications.

‎_ Write down the major nuclear disasters occurred around the world.

‎. Explain the anthropogenic activities leading to extreme weather conditions.
, Explain the major environmental movements in India.

‎. Explain the applications of GIS in environmental management.

‎. Explain the physical and physiological effects of noise pollution.

‎. Explain the chemical reactions in the soil which influence the mobility and toxicity of pollutants.
. Explain single channel and ۶۷ shaped energy flow models.

‎. Explain how a common man can think globally and act locally.

‎. Explain the water quality parameters and its Indian standards.

‎. Explain the methods for the disposal of high level radioactive wastes.

‎Explain 02 and 03 chemistry, photochemical smog and photolytic cycle of NO,.
Explain the methods for the monitoring and control of air pollution.


‎Max. Marks : 200

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