Kerala PSC Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

Question Code : A


Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'RANGE FOREST OFFICER ' And exam conducted in the year 21. And Question paper code was '054/21'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.

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Excerpt of Question Code: 054/21


Number of Questions : 32


3.00 Hours Max. Marks : 200

Define periodic block.
Describe the classification of forest based on the method of regeneration.
What are the assumptions of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium ?

Differentiate regeneration period and rotation period.

. State De Liocourt’s law.

_ What are the important characters of any silvicultural system 7

. Explain how forest fires are classified based on the position of fuel.

, Define form factor. Explain different classes of form factor.

, Define wood seasoning. Explain different categories of wood based on the seasoning.

, List out the major resin yielding broad leaved species. (Write dawn the scientific name and

trade name).

. What are the major factors affecting the regeneration from coppice ?

. Describe the silvicultural characters of Tectona Grandis.

. Explain different forms of water erosion.

_ Describe various methods of yield regulation based on the growing stock only.

, Discuss the method of stump preparation. What are the advantages of stump planting ?
. Describe the crown classification of a regular forest.

‎Discuss various components of Social forestry.‏ ۔

‎What are the major factors considered for the site selection of a forest nursery 7‏ ۔

‎_ Write down the advantages and disadvantages of exotic forestry.

‎, Explain the different types of rotation.

‎_ Describe the objectives and functions of Central Zoo Authority (CZA).

‎. Explain various physical properties of soil.

‎. Discuss various kinds of thinning applied in Regular forest.

‎. Explain different types of coppice forest systems.

‎_ Describe various methods of seed treatment.

‎. Write down the standard rules adopted for the determination of breast height measurement.
ட What are the application of remote sensing and GIS in forestry ?

‎. Describe the principles and the stakeholders involved in Ecotourism.

‎, Discuss the various natural defects in wood.

‎Write down the different classifications of volume table.

‎. Explain different types cof Agrisilvicultural systems.
_ What is succession 7 Differentiate primary and secondary succession.

‎Explain the stages of an ecological succession.

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