Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'QUESTION PAPER - KAS - STREAM III - PAPER - I,II AND III' And exam conducted in the year 21. And Question paper code was '024/21'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
Total Number of Questions : 26
Time : 2.00 Hours
Critically examine the macro economic stability of Indian economy with key economic
- Explain the current status of food security and food management in India.
What are the objectives of start-up and its accomplishments in India ?
Enumerate the arguments and objectives on the establishment of NITI Aayog as a policy
think-tank of Govt. of India.
“India marches towards to grow into a USD 5 Trillion Economy by 2024-25 Evaluate the
ingredients of a model that can generate such growth.
. Compare Kerala economy with India in terms of GDP/GSDP growth and per capita income
levels since 2011-12.
. What are the sources of Kerala Government to raise revenue for financing the liability
incurred through KIIFB ? What are its limitations ?
. Production of rice in Kerala registered increasing trend in recent years. Highlight the specific
initiatives of Kerala Government that helped achieving this.
. What is the recent trend in return emigration in Kerala ? Describe the rehabilitation packages
for the return emigrants in Kerala,
١ Of the total 941 Panchayats, 861 have achieved 150 9001 : 2015 certification. What does this
certification mean ? Which are the important initiatives that helped to achieve this 7
. Discuss the earth-moon system with reference to Barycenter.
. What are ‘slumpblocks’ and explain how ‘slumpblocks’ affect human life ?
~ What is meant by subterranean cutoff 7
~ Examine the features of suburban development.
^ Critically examine the Warm and Cold Core rings in Gulfstream and its ecological significance,
~ What are the environmental threats associated with discovery of oil in arctic area ?
. Give an account of literacy rate of Kerala. How is it related with literacy rate of India ?
„ Describe infrastructure in banking and telecommunication sector in India.
. Explain the concept of “Gender Budget”.
. What would be the role of GST Council ?
~ Briefly explain the objectives of New Foreign Trade Policy (2015-2020) in India.
~ Consider the population structure in Kerala, which of the following concepts is/are suitable to
explain Kerala scenario and why ?
a) demographic deposit
9) demographic dividend
6) demographic debt
~ Mention the characteristics of extratropical hurricane.
Give an account of key issues in a globalizing world,
Which are the agro-ecological regions of India and how they are delineated ? ۔
Explain the types and distribution of geographic cultural realms and regions of the world. .
Max. Marks : 100
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