Kerala PSC Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

Title : Sales Assistant, Special Branch Assistant SBCID, Assistant & Assistant/Auditor ( Degree Level Main Examination )
Question Code : A


Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Sales Assistant, Special Branch Assistant SBCID, Assistant & Assistant/Auditor ( Degree Level Main Examination )' And exam conducted in the year 2022. And Question paper code was '128/2022'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.

page: 25 out of 30
Excerpt of Question Code: 128/2022

= K




In a textile shop, a saree was sold at 20% discount: If the shop owner gets 20%
profit and the cost price of the saree is As.500, whal is the markel price ?
A) Rs. 600 8) Rs. 700 C) As, 750 D) As. 720

‘Three boxes ‘A’, 'B' and’ contains bails in the ratio 5: 2: 3. Than, 2 balls were taken from
"Band put into G. The new ratio is 3: 1: 2. Then what is the total number of balls ?

ಸಿ) 90 8) 60

೦) 120 D) None of these

Johny can complete a work in 40 days, Raju can complete it in 48 days and Boby
can do it in 60 days, They worked together for 4 days and then Raju left. After that
Johny and Boby worked together for 12 days and than Johny left. How many days
will Boby take to complete the work ?

A) 15 8) 12 8) 10 D) 18

The average weight of 20 students in a class increased by 1 Kg when two students
left the class. If the average weight of those two students was 60 Kg, what was the
avefage weight initially 7

൧) 81 8) छ8 ©) 64 0) 68

ന ത്തുന്നു
A) 28%




8) 24% ೮) 20% D) 18%


one person started ta walk from a position P. He walked 15 meters to the
onth, tums nght, walked 25 maters, again tums right and walked 20 meters then
tums right and walked 50 melers, again turns right and walked § meters. Now his


A) 20 meters to'north from P 8) 25 meters to west fram ‏م‎
‎C) S meters to'the south from P D) 70 meters to east from P

IF the time in an accurate clock is 6.40, then what is the angle between the minute
hand and hour hand ?

A) 60 8) 40 C) 45 0) 50

if RJEKD stands for FIGHT, then stands for SAINT. சி
A) EBGOD 8) EGHJD ७) DGHOD ೧) 8೧00೧

Choose the odd man oul.
A) 3 B) 7 ©) 19 0) 31

. W the first December 1999 was Monday, then what was the day of the week on 7

January 2001 7

A) Sunday B) Monday C) Wednesday D) Friday

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Sales Assistant, Special Branch Assistant SBCID, Assistant & Assistant/Auditor ( Degree Level Main Examination ) : Video