Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Assistant Professor Pathology and Microbiology' And exam conducted in the year 2023. And Question paper code was '056/2023/OL'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was ''. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
B:-They mediate transduction and facilitate drug resistance
C:-They are used in phage therapy
D:-All of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question94:-The staining technique used for demonstration of Negri bodies
A:-Field's stain
B:-H and E stain
C:-Seller's stain
D:-Wright's stain
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question95:-All are true regarding Antigenic drift except,
42-11 produces abrupt, drastic and discontinuous variation in antigenic
structure of the virus
B:-It is due to mutation and selection
C:-it produces periodic epidemics of influenza
D:-Characterised by presence of antibodies to the predecessor virus strains
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question96:-All the following are clinical conditions produced by Parvo virus B-19
A:-Pure red cell aplasia
B:-Erythema infectiosum
C:-Genital tumours
D:-Aplastic crisis
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question97:-All are regarding NACO (National AIDS Control Organisation) except,
A:-NACO, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, GOI has laid out guidelines
and strategies for screening, testing and monitoring HIV infected or suspected
B:-Strategy 1 is used for Surveillance purposes
C:-Strategy 11 B is used for determining HIV status of clinically symptomatic
suspected cases in which highly sensitive screening and confirmatory tests are
D:-Strategy 111 is used for asymptomatic individuals
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question98:-All are human prion diseases except,
C:-Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease