Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Town Planning Officer, Assistant Town - Greater Cochin Development Authority, Townand Country Planning Planner' And exam conducted in the year 2023. And Question paper code was '162/2023'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
If the reduced bearing of a line is N85°W, its whole circle bearing is :
(^) 85° (B) 275°
(C) 95° (D) 5°
A line PQ of length 100 m is having bearing of 30°, the departure of the line is:
(A) 50m (B) 866m
(0 577೫ (D) 200m
The reduced level of a floor is 100 m, the staff reading on the floor is 1.505 m and the
inverted staff reading against the roof is 1.795m. The reduced level of roof slab is
(A) 103.3 (B) 101.505
(C) 101.785 (D) 100.290
Planimeter is used for measuring :
(^) Volume (B) Area
(C) Gradient (D) None of the above
A series of closed contours of decreasing values towards their centre, represents :
(^) hill (B) a depression
(0) a-saddle or pass (0) ariver bed
For indirect ranging, number of ranging rods required is :
(A) 1 (3) 2
(0 8 60) 4
GTS is:
(A) Great Theodolite System (B) Great Trigonometrical Survey
(C) Great Traverse Survey (D) Great Trigonometrical System
Which of the following does not come under classification of circular curves?
(^) Simple curve (8) Transition curve
(C) Reverse curve (D) Compound curve
The minimum number of satellites needed for a GPS to determine its position precisely is :
(A) 24 (B) 2
(0 8 0) 4
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