Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Town Planning Officer, Assistant Town - Greater Cochin Development Authority, Townand Country Planning Planner' And exam conducted in the year 2023. And Question paper code was '162/2023'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
Which of the following statement is not correct in the context of Vernacular Architecture?
(A) Architects can play a crucial part in conservation by acquiring knowledge of
traditional construction.
(B) Vernacular technology, like windmills and watermills, can teach us a lot about
imaginative applications of technology.
(C) Humans are the most adaptive mammal species and because of their intelligence,
they have managed to thrive both in areas with abundant resources and those
with scarcity.
(D) Meanings and symbolic role of shelters such as social, ritual and spiritual did not
have any significance in vernacular architecture.
Match the vernacular architecture styles in India with the place of their origin State/Union
Territories :
Vernacular Architecture Styles Origin State
(೩) Doonga @ Gujarat
(b) Bitoda ல் Orissa
(c) Bhunga Gii) Kerala
(9) Chhendi Dien (iv) Uttar Pradesh
(e) Chettiar (छ) Jammu and Kashmir
(0 Nalukettu (vi) Tamil Nadu
(ಯ 8- 0), 9 - 0५), ०- (५), 4 - (71), ९ - Gi), f- (vi)
(8) 8- (५), 9 - (9), ० - @), d— (ii), e — (vi), | - (11)
)© 9 - 6४), 9 - (७), ०- (0), १ - 6), ९ - ii), f- (vi)
(D) 8- (५), 9 - (0), ०- (0), १ - (शं), ९ - (५), 1 - Gii)
What is the appropriate approach to ensure vernacular architecture’s survival into the future
for creating a sustainable built environment?
(A) Conservation
(3) Rehabilitation
(C) Reuse and reconstruction (using traditional methodologies)
(D) All the above
From the factors mentioned below highlight the important factors that had influenced the
Kerala’s Vernacular Architecture :
The climatic factors
Influences of maritime societies like Romans, Chinese, Arabs and European traders
Culture of bordering States
(ಸ) Only (ii) and (iii) (B) Only (ii)
(C) Only @) and (ii) (D)_ Allof the above (i, ii and iii)
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