Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Motor Mechanic/ Store Assistant' And exam conducted in the year 2023. And Question paper code was '218/2023'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
The sensitive bench drilling machine is capable of drilling holes upto
A) 8.5mm B) 10.5 mm C) 12.5 mm D) 13.5 mm
Which of the following is related to countersunk tooth type lock washer ?
A) Used with small head screws B) Used on oval type head screws
C) Mounting holes are over size D) Provides the greatest resistance
Which of the following can be used for locking the nuts which are located near an
edge or corner ?
A) Locking plate B) Slotted and castle nut
C) Penning nut D) Tab washer
Which of the following statements are correct ?
Statement 1 : In the Otto cycle combustion takes place at constant volume.
Statement 2 : In Diesel cycle combustion takes place at constant volume.
A) Both Statements are correct B) Both Statements are incorrect
C) Only Statement 1 is correct D) Only Statement 2 is correct
In a two stroke engine, the entry of fresh charge, pushes out the exhaust gases
through exhaust port. This process is known as
A) Transfer Port Scavenging B) Cross Flow Scavenging
C) Exhaust Port Scavenging D) Loop Flow Scavenging
Which of the following statements are correct ?
Statement 1 : Two stroke engine is simpler, compact and lighter.
Statement 2 : Two stroke engine has lower volumetric efficiency.
A) Both Statements are correct B) Both Statements are incorrect
C) Only Statement 1 is correct D) Only Statement 2 is correct
In an inline 6 cylinder 4 stroke engine a firing impulse occur at every
degrees of crankshaft revolution.
A) 180 B) 160 C) 360 D) 120
The distance between the cylinder wall and the piston skirt is known as
A) Piston Clearance B) Skirt Clearance
C) Cylinder Clearance D) Both A) and B)