Kerala PSC Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

Title : Legal Assistant
Question Code : A


Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Legal Assistant' And exam conducted in the year 2024. And Question paper code was '012/2024'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.

page: 12 out of 22
Excerpt of Question Code: 012/2024






Consider the following statements regarding right to compensation for workmen who are laid
off :

൫) A workman is entitled to compensation only if has completed not less than one year of
continuous service under the employer

Gi) The compensation shall be equal to fifty per cent of the total of the basic wages and
dearness allowance that would have been payable to him had he not been so laid-off

(111) A workman is entitled to compensation only if has completed not less than six months
of continuous service under the employer

(iv) The compensation shall be equal to thirty per cent. of the total of the basic wages and
dearness allowance that would have been payable to him had he not been so laid-off

(^) Only (i) is correct ൯) 3൦൩ ൫ and (ii) are correct
(C) Only (ii) is correct (D) Both (ii) and (iv) are correct

A person can be qualified to be appointed as the presiding officer of a Labour Court, if he has
been a presiding officer of a Labour Court constituted under any provincial or State Act for a
period not less than —————— years.

(^) Three years (B) Two years
(C) Seven years (D)_ Five years

Under Air Act, 1981, which among the following entity is empowered to declare air pollution
control areas :

(A) Ministry of Industries (B) CPCB
(C) State Government (D) ICMR

The curing, preparation or preservation or mounting of trophies under Wild Life Protection
Act 1972 is known as:

(A) Hunting (B) Taxidermy
(C) Embalmment (D) Captivation

Consider the following statements regarding National Green Tribunal :
@ The NGT has original jurisdiction on all matters under Indian Forest Act 1927
(ii) The Chairperson of NGT is shall be a retired judge of Supreme Court of India
(011) The NGT has original Jurisdiction on matters under Wild Life Protection Act, 1972
(iv) There shall be minimum ten and maximum 20 judicial members in NGT
(A) All statements are correct (B) Only @ and (iii) are correct

(C) Only (i) and (iv) are correct (D) All statements are wrong

012/2024 14 A

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