Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Mechanical Operator - Pharmaceutical Corporation (IM) Kerala Ltd ' And exam conducted in the year 2024. And Question paper code was '014/2024'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
Name the pneumatic component shown in figure :
(^) Filter (B) Regulator
(C) Heater (D) Lubricator
An assembly of pulley blocks with rope threaded through the pulley is called :
(A) Frame (B) Sheaves
(C) Crown (D) Tackle
Calculate the RPM, for a high speed drill of diameter 20.5 mm to cut a mild steel block, if the
Cutting speed is 30 m/min :
(^) 498 rpm ൯) 478 rpm
(C) 466 rpm (D) 368 rpm
Calculate the drilling time to drill 12 mm diameter hole in a plate of thickness 62 mm, if the
Cutting speed is 30 m/min and feed rate 0.05 mm/rev.
(^) 1 minute 50 sec. (B) 1 minute 31 sec.
(C) 1 minute 13 sec. (D) 1 minute 30 sec.
In a radial drilling machine, the cutting speed in counter sinking is. than that of
(^) 15% less (B) 25% less
(C) 15% more (D) 18% more
Ina grinding machine the work speed formula is :
८५ (atl,,n,/1000) m/minute 0) (ca?p/T,t*s”) m/minute
(C) ۷٢,۱١,۴۴ m/minute (D) Vd, /d,nm/minute
In silicon carbide abrasive, black grit and green grit contains how much percentages of
Silicon carbide :
(A) 97,93 (B) 97,95
(C) 93,97 (D) 95,97
9 014/2024