Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Mechanical Operator - Pharmaceutical Corporation (IM) Kerala Ltd ' And exam conducted in the year 2024. And Question paper code was '014/2024'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
A knurling tool having two rollers, one having straight teeth and the other having teeth at
right angles to the axis of knurl. By using this tool we can make —-————— on external
cylindrical surface of a job :
(A) Straight knurling (B) Diamond knurling
(C) Convex knurling (D) Cross knurling
How to avoid the defect ‘concave face’ while facing of a work?
(A) Lock the carriage to the bed of the lathe
(B) By clamping the tool rigidly with minimum over hang
(C) By placing the tool to the centre height
(D) By using sharpened tool
Which among the following statement is/are correct about a hand chaser?
@ It isa single point thread cuffing tool
Gi) It is a multi point thread cutting tool
(iii) They are made up of rectangular cross section of tool steel, hardend and tempered
(iv) Hand chaser removes Larger amount of material at the time of thread cutting
(^) Only Gi) and (iii) (B) Only @ and (iv)
(C) Only @ (D) Only (iv)
Name the part of a lathe which provides the following all functions :
@ To ensure arrangements for lubricating the gear, shafts and bearing
(ii) To accommodate shafts, gears, and levers for a wide range of varying work speed
(iii) To provide a means to assemble the work holding devices
(iv) To transmit drive from the main motor to the work
(^) Three jaw chuck (B) Head stock
(C) Main spindle gear (D) Lathe spindle
Cross slide, compound rest and Top slide are the parts of a:
(A) Apron (B) Head stock
(C) Saddle (D) Traversing hand wheel
The surface joining the crest and root of a screw thread is known as:
(A) Depth (B) Lead
(C) Flank (D) Pitch
The diameter of the thread at which the thread thickness is equal to one half of the pitch is
known as:
(^) Pitch diameter (B) Major diameter
(C) Minor diameter (D) Crest diameter
014/2024 6 A