Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Mechanical Operator - Pharmaceutical Corporation (IM) Kerala Ltd ' And exam conducted in the year 2024. And Question paper code was '014/2024'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
100. 1]
If the clearance angle of a milling cutter is not provide :
(A) Smooth cutting on the job
(B) Fine finish and low heat
(C) Fast chip flow rate and high heat
(D) The tool will rub against the work surface
Poor surface finish (8)
No heat is produced (D)
Side and face milling cutter (8)
End mill cutter (D)
Reamer (8)
End mill cutter (D)
The cutter used for milling dovetail guide ways is:
The negative rake angle of a milling cutter at low cutting speed produce :
Good surface finish
Damaged cutter teeth
‘he cutter used to mill undercuts in wider milled channels :
T - slot cutter
Fly cutter
The cutter used to mill flat surfaces which are truly flat to a very high standard of accuracy :
Side and face milling cutter
Fly cutter
(^) Fly cutter (B) Double angle cutter
(C) Single angle cutter (D) Single point HSS tool
The method of feeding the work against the direction of rotation of the cutter :
(ಹ) Conventional milling (B) Climb milling
( Profile milling ) milling
40 holes in 41 hole circle (8)
1 rotation and 1 hole in 40 hole circle ൫)
‘he mechanism involves in a circular table attachment is :
Worm and worm gear
Chain and sprocket
(^) Rack and pinion (8)
(0) Spring and bolt (D)
Find the suitable index plate for index at an angle of 34°40’ :
(A) 28 (8)
(0) 34 (0)
Find the number of turns of the index crank for indexing 41 teeth:
1 rotation and 1 hole in 41 hole circle
40 holes in 40 hole circle
‘he milling cutter mainly used for step milling, slot milling and straddle milling is :
Metal slitting saw cutter
side and face milling cutter
End mill cutter
Slot drill