Kerala PSC Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

Question Code :


Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN SHALYA TANTRA (for DA Reservation)' And exam conducted in the year 2023. And Question paper code was '046/2023/OL'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was ''. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.

page: 3 out of 14
Excerpt of Question Code: 046/2023/OL

Question13:-Select the correct statement about undescended testis :
(i) testis descends to scrotum (its final position) in *7~*(th)’ month of foetal life.
(ii) undescended testis is more common in left side.
(iii) inguinal testis is condition in which complete failure of descent of testis and testis remains where it is developed.
(iv) the risk of malignancy in an incompletely descended testis is more than in a descended testis.
A:-statements (i) and (ii) only are correct
B:-statements (ii) and (iii) only are correct
C:-all statements are incorrect
D:-(iv) is the only correct statement
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question14:-Select the correct statement/statements about complications of sastra karma of asmari as per susrutha :
(1) chedana of mutravaha (srotas) will result in mutra poorna vasthi.
(ii) chedana of sukla vaha (srotas) will result in klaibya.
(iii) chedana of mutravaha (srotas) will result in death.
(iv) upaghata of Mushka srotas will result in klaibya.
A:-statements (i), (ii) and (iii) only are correct
B:-statement (ii) only is correct
C;-statements (i) and (ii) only are correct
D:-statements (iv) only is correct
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question15:-As per susruta sutra, agropaharaneeya chapter, which among the indication about vranadhoopana is incorrect

(i) swarjika and sarjarasa - both are indicated for vrana dhoopana
(ii) vacha and gawrasarshapa - both are indicated for vrana dhoopana.
(iii) guggulu and agaru - both are indicated for vrana dhoopana.
(iv) vactam iyitaparandipaiecoateersiaciaasagsfor vrana dhoopana
B:-only (ii) and (iv) are correct statements
C:-only (i) is incorrect statement
D:-only (i) and (iv) are correct statements
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question16:-Choose the correct statement/statements :
(i) inflammation of glans is posthitis.
(ii) inflammation of prepuce is balanitis.
(iii) in paraphymosis, orifice of prepuce is too small that normal retraction of prepuce over glans penis is restricted.
(iv) condyloma is a benign tumour of penis.

A:-all are correct statements
-(i) and (iv) only are the correct statements
C:-(i) and (iii) only are the correct statements
D:-(iv) only is the correct statement
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question17:-"vaasayechainam thaila dronyaam sarpir dronyaam vaa payovrithim ithi" is typically indicated by susrutha in
the context of
(i) parisravi udara
(ii) prista vamsha bhagnam
(iii) nasa sandhana
(iv) sadyo vrana.
A:-(i) and (iii) both are correct answers
-(ii) only is the correct answer
C:-(i) only is the correct answer
D:-(ii) and (iv) only are the correct answers
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question18:-Choose the incorrect statement/statements :
(i) Glisson's capsule is a fibrous capsule covering liver.
(ii) Coeliac angiography is helpful in differentiating liver rupture and splenic rupture following abdominal injury.
(iii) In straight x-ray, narrowing of gap between ascending colon and right peritoneal line indicates presence of blood in right
paracolic gutter.
(iv) In hepato-renal syndrome, damaged liver cells released into circulation may produce toxins which can destroy kidney

A:-(i) and (iii) only are the incorrect statements
B:-(ii) and (iv) only are the incorrect statements
C:-all are incorrect statements

D:-(iii) only is the incorrect statements

Correct Answer:- Option-D

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