Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Dairy Extension Officer' And exam conducted in the year 2015. And Question paper code was '012/2015/OL'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
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Para grass
മടം grass
ಇಟ grass
त ദം
മേയ of conversion of plant and animal cesidves തിമ 00205 010100000೬ ೩34 0420883508 യ
Correct newer Opton-B
‘Question 8-An important trope pulse rop profitably grown as asmmar crop mie fllows in Kerala notation sequence
‘Caw pea
ವರಹ ಶಟಟ
Correct newer Opton-A
‘Question 01a hay making, the molsture content ofthe forage crop Is reduced t
Correct newer Opton-B
‘Question40-The fertilizer or manure that has to be applied as top dressing ater euch harvest ബില ബല grast
കി مهفي
യോ മം
Correct newer Opton-B
(Question di-The seed rata per hectare required for estcblshmant ofmalze by dbhing
4०103 Kg
8०40 50158
ക്കേ و
‘Question 2-The type of deaning agent most stable fr rubber parts in dey equipments
Beak akalies with sodium seat a nbitor
(Coed alates with sodium sulphite a ധിം
Correct ദ.
त can be added as an mgredient യ
‘Avlmpeove stabilization
Brimprove whipping യ
CCoimprove emulieation|
Detmpeove ft content
Correct answer-Cuestion Canceled
‘Queston4-Which ofthe folowing halp m predicting the sha Ue of ghee
ടിം ക
(C>Saponiheaton number
مل اس perbd for oxygen absorption
Correct newer Opton-D
ಟೋ ಲ್
ಸಂಗಂ ಇಟ
മിക ലം
CoB -caratene
De-Buylated hydroxytoluene
Correct Answer Opton-A
ചിയ grey or brownish rillecan be due to proliferation of which bce in ml,
‘A-Streptococeus ४८७
Correct newer ரெ
ಲ ಲ ಲ favour in ailccan be due ഉല്
BeStreptacocaus mets
മ ടെ
ബല മൈ യി വടി te acd as coagulant give
०0094 15008
Bttgher guaness
(Cottigher ehewinass
ವಸ ಯಯ:
Correct newer Option-D
‘Question 4-The ants fungal agent that can be usa to control sudare spallage of paneer
‘A-Sodum algnate
B-Chlornated water
(C>Disodtum phosphate
DeTesodhum phosphate
Correct newer Opton-B
‘Queston’0:-The type of milmore stable to produce hanna which offers good rosa
ಹ content below 3 percant
BPrsence of colostrum le
കേമം علقم
ಸ್ಪೈ cows ll
Correct newer Opton-D
(व not arapd platform tat performed for ra il
കി ജഡേ count
B-clot on baling test
(C-Standard plate count
ഷം മിയ
Correct newer Option-C
മനില of inp favour butter is dus to
‘AExeess washing of butter granules
BePmsence of lite acid
مرج of alt
Di-Presence ofmatal ins
Correct newer Opton-A
ಹರಕ.) randy in buttaris due to
‘A-ation of lpase on ft to produce free ५१०५०
BOndation of unstunsted fatty 8345.
ക്ഷയ of moulds that convert fay akdsto ketones
De-Brsakdown of proteins by putrefactive organisms
Correct newer Opton-A
Question The presertbed merobologial standard forieeeream as pir Bureau of Indian Standards
‘A-Standard Plate Count per gzum not more than 2.00000,
B.-Coliform count per gram not more than 90
(C>Standant rate Count per gram not more than 150,000,
09/08/2015 09:08 PM