Kerala PSC Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

Question Code : A


Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'HSA URDU EDUCATION' And exam conducted in the year 2017. And Question paper code was '112/2017'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.

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Excerpt of Question Code: 112/2017

உ 12/2017 ۷

85110೧ Booklet Quostion Booket | 5802 |
Serial Number 0221

Alpha Code ‏٤ھ‎ ക ‏ا[ شس‎

॥ 7 Number of Questions : 100 Time : 75 Minutes

५ Maximum Marks : 100 <

L 21

1. The Question paper wil 9७ given in the form of & ടട Booklet, There will be four v
question booklets with question baoklet alpha code viz. A, B, C & D

sione of

2. The Question 8௦௦140 Alpha Code will be printed on the tap left margin of the fac 1g sheet of the
Qquestion booklet.

3. The Question Boukl
Examination வி.

Alpha Code allatted to you will be noted in your seating-position In the

I you get a question booklat where the alpha code doss ೧೦11778107 10 the allotted alpha code in the
& attention of the Invigilator IMMEDIATELY:

seating position, please dra

5. The Question Bookiet Serial Number is printed on the top right margin of th e facing sheet. If your
on booklet is un-numbered, please get it replaced by new question booklet with same aipha

6. The question bookiet will be sealed at the middle of the right margin. Candidate should not opon the
question beoklet. until the indication iz givon to start answering,

Immedi & commencement of the examination, the uld check thal 4

tion booklet supplied to him contains all the 100 questions in s & question booklet
= fiot have unprinted or tam or missing pages and if 3o he/she shoukd bring it to the 70109 of the
nvigilator and get it replaced by a complete booklet with same alpha code. Thia is most mportant


۴ ۵ igh ೪

aper is attached to the question booklet. This may

Please read caretully all the instructions on the reverse of the Answer Sheet betore marking
your answers.

srovidad with 1೦೦೯೦೧೦1೦೦೦ (ಸಿ), (8), (0) 5
and darken 176 0120019 ೧೧೫೮೨೧೦೧೦1೧ 10 10 ೮10300೧ ೧೮7೦೫೯ using Bl
Ball Point Pon in the OMA Answer Sheet

(D) having one correct answer. Choosa
© or Black

1. Each correct answer carries 1 mark and for each wrong answer 1/3 markwill be deducted. Ne
negative mark for unattended questions.

¢ allowed to leave Ihe examination hall till the and of the session and without
‏ع2‎ e over hisier Answer Sheet to tha Invigilator. Gandidates shiould ensure that 176 Invigilator
has verified all the entries in the Register Number Coding Shost and ‏عن تفط‎ Invigilator has affixed

his/her signature in the space provided,

12. No candidate w

of instructions is essential. Any 170/೧
nation will result in the disqualif

3. Strict മേ


00 17 16 ‏٥‎

actice or attempt to commit any kind of
tion of the candidate.

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