Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'TRADESMAN AUTOMOBILE TECHNICAL EDUCATION QUESTION PAPER' And exam conducted in the year 2017. And Question paper code was '081/2017'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
೫ The state of chy e of battery is checked
(3) وي الكت (8) 13070061:
(6 ۷۱ (D) Al uf the ah ve
87. 1001 used for 1 11111118 ೧151೧೫ ringa on piston is
(^) Piston ring expander (13) N Fing compressor
(೧) | groove clenne (B) Circlip pliers
88. بب نس the ೪7೬/70 ೮117007 000೧೫7 [5 [1/88 1815 01705/5110 ಬಟ (ಓಣ 5
^) இரவ (8) Powe
€Y Compression (೧). 5101
89. Transfer 11304
(है? Single wheel drive yehicles 8 ആ wheel drive vehicles
(() Four wheel drive chicles (६) All of the af
१०, ^ 01) gear i provided മന nd the engine 11111116!
(A} 10 transmit power to the géar box
(B) 10 start the ഇലേ self-starter
0 Mt 110116: 161016 water و ا
(D) மவ விரய
- The air fuel ratio of petrol cugine (17011101104
(5) Feed puimy (8) ( “ಗರ
(59 Float chamber (೧) ലല
92. ೪
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# 011६ {5}
vwhey led in two stroke o
(A) Lighter f
ண்ட पललवं ता क्ति सताः
© engines
(4 Volumetrie cthciency is high mtwo stroke 101110%
0) Volumetric efficiency is 6४ four stroke engir
93 The condition that cayise apour lacking in a brake روس
(4) Keeping the vehicte without pse for & long period
(8) Over cooling of the brake during high spee
(೧) 01111 of the fluid due to ബഡി application
(D) High engine pecd on a down hill road
081/2017 13 ٦