Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'TRADESMAN AUTOMOBILE TECHNICAL EDUCATION QUESTION PAPER' And exam conducted in the year 2017. And Question paper code was '081/2017'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
9. Find out the odd ane from the 101111೧0
(೩) Wheel cylinder
18) Bleeder ५
(त) Rubber cup (>) Thermostar
. Which of the following makes it possible 1o inerease the boiling poing o cor वत्ता ^
(५५) Radistor core
(8) Coulant pump
(0 1२७८ )0( ۱ھ
றா நானாட வற ¢ abave
Which type of clutch js
d in modem seooters 2
(ಸ) Diaphragm
(८) Multiplate
(98) Centrify
(0) Automatic
72. Mechunical hiake systom i cherally provided as scrvice brake in ட பயனில
تھا Tricks (8) Seooters
(೧) Cars (0) Auto-rickshaws
73. Which transmission units tr ansmits power at v
(A) Chain drive
arred 8
)© Propelier shaft (ಐ) All of the above
74. Asappli
d to steering, the abbreviation p,A.S stands for
(8) Power
(0) ति
(^^) ரஸ க்வி
isted Steering
40) Pump Assisted Steering [241 5
= Atthe ventury of ¢ பாண்டா,
(ക Maxinum
(€^) 12
the pressure
of air i
(8) 17%
e as hefore
Feed pumps in 0101 engi
hes are gencrully mounted in between
Tank and injectiun pump (8) पल्ला pump and i
1) Filter
(©) Tank und 1110೯ and injection pump
(೮181111೩, 11111011 15 1101
suitable for (11೧901 ೦/11/7037
(ക 1110 171112 லை (B) High ٣۲۲۸۲۲ ன
(0) 1 117106 051 (D) High compression pressure.