Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'LECTURER IN SANSKRIT GENERAL COLLEGIATE EDN 133/2015' And exam conducted in the year 2017. And Question paper code was '049/2017'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
049/2017 ॥॥॥॥॥॥॥॥॥॥॥॥॥
What is meant by ‘Manu’ in the word ‘Manuscript’ ?
A} Hand B) Palm leaf
© ೧004 D) Metal
The oldest material put to use for writing manuscripts is
A) Stone B) Birch bark
ര) Palm leaf D} Bronze
Who wrote ‘Kristubhagavata’ ?
A) Chemmanam Chacko 8) Akkitham
C) Chattampisvami D} P. C. Devassia
Who is the author of ‘Chhatravum Chamaravum’ ?
A) K. K. Raja B) K. P. Narayana Pisharoti
C) M. P. Sankunni Nair D) P. K. Narayana Pillai
In which name, are the ancient Sanskrit manuals of architecture known ?
A) Ayurveda B) Jyotisha
C) Ganita D) Vastuvidya
Which state is defined as health in Ayurveda ?
A) Absence of disease B} Restriction of food
C) Balance of Tridoshas D} Prevention of symptoms
Through which science the effects of our past karma are revealed ?
A) Nirukta B) Jyotisha
0) ೦೧೧8೧೦85 D) Yoga
Which book narrates the life history of Svami Vivekananda ?
A} Vishvabhanu B) Rajayoga
C) Angala Samrajya D) Bharatiya Darsanam
बेदपठने सर्वेषाम् अधिकारोऽस्तीति वादः केन पुरस्कृतः ?
^) पतञ्जलिना 8) श्रीनारायणगुरुणा
©) श्रीशङ्करेण 0) चट्म्पिस्वामिना
श्रीनारायणगुरुदरशने प्रमुखा कृतिः का ?
^) योगसूत्रम् ९8) आत्मोपदेशशतकम्
© 0) वेदान्तसारः