Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'SUPERINTENDENT OF SURVEY SURVEY AND LAND RECORDS' And exam conducted in the year 2017. And Question paper code was '092/2017'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
48. The first woman fields m
alist among the following is
(4) Mariaim Mirzakhani (8) Shakuntala Devi
(6) Lady Ada (0) Madam Tunisia
49 The value of the sum tan! 21 3 tan =
(^) 9 (8) =
00 3 (D) 4
ക്യ 0.
"2 6 (8). 4
ந ہے 0 4
ടീ. سنا |] ത) பயம
(^) € (B) ೫೮
€ (D)
(@=1) +(h— P + (¢ — )’ is always equal to
(A) 3@-b)(b-c)(c—a) 3ئ3 (ط) + + ०3)
(5) 3280 - 20 -- 60 - 8 (D) 323! - زم - تو
ते. The differontial equation satisfying y = Aet + Be2 4 Coit g
(^) 33 - 621 - 11>। -6# = 0 0 33 - 69 + 113) - 6 = 0
(€) 33 + 693 - 11४ - 6४ = 0 (D) உப ++
54. The value of the limit of the sequence () defined by the formula ५) = + 1.4
(வ) 2 (8) 0
(இக (D)
55. The parametric representation of the hyperbola 312 _ 2
(4) >= ॥ + ७6९१६, + = 1 + ६५१ १ (8) +=]
tan t
(D) x=1
092/2017 8 ۸