Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'L.D.CLERK VARIOUS KOTTAYAM AND WAYANAD MALAYALAM' And exam conducted in the year 2017-M. And Question paper code was '095/2017-M'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam and English (containing Malayalam questions) . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
English Grammar :
Quesiion_ carry one mark each.
Choose the right answer from the option
f vou would have succumbed to his ற ¢ we would have lost faith in you.
(|) Had you been (8) If you would be
(©) If you had (2) If you would have been
given below :
१ his actions were severe eriticised, he didn’t lose his temper
(A) were severe criticism (8) were being of seves
(0) had severe criticise (D) were severely criticised
He failed in his attempt to disperse the mob before the misereants sets tl
(A) کٌحطا ع0 اعد fire (8) setting fire on the bus
(0) set fire to the bus (D) set the fire on to the bus
¢ exercises and meditation scems to be of help modern men and women deal effectively with
(ക) seem to help (8) seems to be helping
(5) seem to have help (D) seems ta help
The man fed the girl. (Change into Passive Voice)
(ക) The man was fed by the girl. (8) The man feeding the girl.
(C) 11 1 was fed by the man, (1)) the man
John said, *1 go out too often”. (Change into Indirect Speech)
ക John said that I go dut too often
(8) John said that he was going out too often
(C) John said that he had gone out too often
യ John said that he went out oo often.
What is the time __ your wateh ?
(A) by (B)
(೮) ا صا (D)
| prefer coffee _ 1९8.
(^) णि (8) ॥
(೮) வாம (D) ग्ण
ديج يتياه
(4) ௩௦ (B) there
(C) மஸ (D) theirs
Use the correct [നേട
∣ (work) for two hours and 1 am now tired.
been working (B) will beworking
vill have worked (7) have been working
13 095/2017-M